What are the top 10 research findings on mental well-being and lifestyle?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs but here are the top 10 research findings on mental well-being and lifestyle for you:

1. Regular exercise is a key factor in promoting mental well-being.
2. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can enhance mental well-being.
3. Good social support leads to better mental health outcomes.
4. Adequate sleep is essential for maintaining good mental health.
5. Mindfulness-based interventions show promise in promoting mental well-being.
6. Engaging in hobbies and other leisure activities can enhance mental well-being.
7. Spending time in nature improves mental well-being.
8. Cultivating gratitude through intentional practices may improve mental well-being.
9. Engaging in meaningful work or volunteer activities can enhance mental well-being.
10. Limiting exposure to social media and other sources of information overload can improve mental well-being.