Which 10 labor movements or employee rights campaigns are gaining momentum globally?

1. Fight for $15 – a movement advocating for a $15 minimum wage in the United States and other countries
2. #MeToo movement – a campaign against sexual harassment and assault in the workplace
3. International Labor Rights Forum – an organization that works to promote safe and just working conditions worldwide
4. Decent Work and Living Wage – a campaign that calls for fair wages, job security, and safe working conditions
5. International Brotherhood of Teamsters – a labor union that represents workers in various fields including transportation, warehouse, and food processing industries
6. Clean Clothes Campaign – a global network of organizations working to improve conditions for workers in the garment industry
7. Global Union Federation – a coalition of labor unions representing workers in various sectors
8. International Domestic Workers’ Federation – a global organization advocating for the rights of domestic workers
9. United Farm Workers – a labor union representing migrant farm workers in the United States
10. International Trade Union Confederation – a global organization representing workers’ rights and promoting social justice internationally.