Which 10 political or social satire pieces are making an impact in the news?

1. “A Modest Proposal for Reopening Our Schools” by Alexandra Petri of The Washington Post, which satirizes the difficulty of reopening schools during the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. “The Borowitz Report” by Andy Borowitz of The New Yorker, which satirizes current political events and personalities.
3. “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah,” which uses satire to poke fun at politicians and news events.
4. “Saturday Night Live” skits, which often use satire to mock political figures and current events.
5. “The Onion” articles, which satirize news and social issues with a humorous twist.
6. “Parks and Recreation” television show, which uses satire to highlight the absurdity of local government.
7. “Veep” television show, which satirizes the inner workings of politics at the highest levels of government.
8. “The Colbert Report” and “Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” which use satire to criticize political figures and events.
9. “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver,” which uses satire to shed light on important social and political issues.
10. “South Park” television show, which uses satire to mock everything from politics to pop culture.